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Daily Journal

Week 7, June 9 - 15

Wednesday, June 10th
I don't think I have a lot of time before Ella wakes up, so this may be short. I guess there's no real news as for as the baby is concerned. She's doing good. I think we've been experiencing the feeding frenzy that is supposed to occur at about 6 weeks. I feel I've spent most of the last two days feeding her. Another feeding frenzy is supposed to occur at 3 months.

People like to ask if we can tell what her personality is like. It's really too early to say, but we can say she is not one of those calm, mellow babies. Either she's impatient like her momma, or just really focused, but when she's hungry there is no distracting her. You either feed her immediately or experience her wrath. I look forward to the day when communicating that she's hungry does not mean screaming like the world just did her some serious misjustice.

The princess stirs. I must go.

Friday, June 11th
I think I found a way to entertain Ella. A new way I should say. I bought some speakers to attach to my walkman, and we managed to rig up a simple mobile to the bassinet, so now she's watchign floating bears and listening to lullabies. She's not getting sleepy, but she's being entertained.

I wrote the above probably 45 minutes ago. She wasn't entertained for long. ;) Currently I've got the baby bjorn on and she's asleep in it. At least I'm getting some stuff done.

Got a little aquarium thingy for the crib, and an actual mobile that plays music. Got to get it put up.

Ella's got a friend in the crib she likes to talk to and try to touch. Her name is Minnie Mouse. Take a look. (warning... big file - 336k. And you'll probably need to download it to your computer).

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